Earnings on FriendsOnly

Modern social networks allow you to monetize original content. In this article, we talk about the features of the new FriendsOnly platform. And also about the possibilities of receiving money from subscribers.

How to make money with FriendsOnly from any country?

In 2020, the popularity of sites like TikTok and OnlyFans has greatly increased. With their help, bloggers earn good money, but newcomers have a hard time. Due to the highest competition, they have almost no chance to break out among the top.

There is a simple solution to this problem — you need to choose another site. For example, you can register on FriendsOnly, which offers thoughtful algorithms for displaying recommended content. And at the same time, it allows you to earn money on almost any content.

Benefits of earning

Of all the content monetization platforms, only FriendsOnly offers earnings on new subscribers. Who came directly to the site themselves. This makes the task much easier for content creators. The second feature of the platform can also be called an advantage. FriendsOnly allows you to fumble only vertical videos.

First of all, FriendsOnly does not set any territorial restrictions. That is, anyone can register and start earning on content on this platform.

Bloggers receive 80% of the profit from paid subscriptions, the remaining 20% is the service commission. At the same time, users set the cost of these subscriptions themselves. This happens depending on the promotion of the account, the type of content and other factors.

You can even define a free period. He will open free access for a certain period, but no more than three days.
The combination of the two features leads to an interesting conclusion about earning on FriendsOnly. The author gets the same experience as in any social network. There is no need to come up with complex methods of account promotion. New free videos effectively advertise the account. That's why it's relatively easy to make money from your videos on FriendsOnly.

What videos to post

All adult content creators earn money on FriendsOnly subscriptions. It is necessary to pass automatic verification. And only after that, it is allowed to post any videos in the profile, even in the 18+ category. There are restrictions only on the duration of the videos:

  • Free videos — up to 1 minute;
  • Paid content — up to 5 minutes.

FriendsOnly allows you to save time on content production. Shoot the video for up to 5 minutes, and then divide it into two parts in the video editing program. From the first, which is shorter, you will get a free post. And from the second — content for subscribers.
Earnings on FriendsOnly are formed from money paid by subscribers. At the same time, you can show videos with any plots to your fans and the entire audience of the site. One should only keep in mind the chronological limits in each category.

How to promote your account?

Modern content monetization platforms have gained popularity due to the lack of censorship. Therefore, authors who shoot different videos can earn money on the platform. Let's look at examples when it is easier to make money on FriendsOnly than on similar platforms.

Anonymous models. They have the ability to maintain an account on FriendsOnly is almost the only way to earn online. Viewers don't see the models' faces, but once they appreciate the plot of the video, it's easy for them to subscribe for access to exclusive content.

Dancers. Videos with dance numbers are very popular in TikTok. But only FriendsOnly allows you to earn money. Where models do not need to follow "trends". The girls show originality, and these attract new subscribers.

Cosplay models. Artists from the cosplay community can maintain accounts on different platforms. But only on FriendsOnly it is easy for them to earn money by shooting videos. With the video format, it's easier to look unique in the eyes of the audience. Which means it's easier to get subscribers.
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